Saturday, December 02, 2006

"Bong Hits 4 Jesus" & The Supreme Court

This article caught my eye in the Seattle Times today - "Bong Hits 4 Jesus"

A student in 2002 was standing across the street from the school with a banner that read "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" as the Winter Olympics torch passed by. The principal of the school took the banner and suspended the student from school. He was not on school property and wasn't disrupting school activities. This was clearly a case where the 1st amendment rights of the student were violated and he was punished for speaking his mind. Why in the hell is this case going to the Supreme Court in the first place? This should have never even left the state supreme court. Why would the school district continue to appeal? The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco said "the student, Joseph Frederick, had a right to express himself as long as he didn’t disrupt the school or its educational mission."

This really chaps my ass when major effort is expended on trying to suppress a individual's freedom of expression. It is not like he was sending death threats to the president (now I'm on the FBI's watch list for sure). Somebody is always trying to censor something that might make people think for a change, especially when it makes fun of Jesus and mentions illegal drugs :) Damn uptight right wing zealots.

Current mood: annoyed
Current music: Rush - Marathon


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