Going with the Flow
After being forced to resign from a job I thought I enjoyed, I can only look back and think about what bullshit I'm not putting up with right now. It took three executives (including the CEO and the president of the company) to explain to my co-workers why I was leaving the company and try to spin it in a certain way as to not cause a mass exodus of disgruntled employees. It is sad when a young company starts to draw battle lines between departments and people. It doesn't make sense when politics start running things instead of trying to get something accomplished.
I also came to realize that I was truly not the kind of person that ultimately enjoys being in a corporate soul-trap and subject to its whims. It has a detrimental effect on the thought process. You start to think in business-speak and put too much importance in esoteric crap. I am not interested in some clueless fuck trying to micromanage everything when his team is very intelligent and already knows what has to be done. I can not go back to that fraking shit. It is time to be a master of my destiny and not bobbing up & down in a sea of corporate madness.
According to accounts of early agrarian societies, most members of the community only worked an average of 20 hours a week to provide food and shelter. Our postindustrial society expects most of us to expend sixty to seventy hours a week on "work" and much of the remaining time is spent recovering from stress. The mind and body becomes increasingly impoverished under those conditions. I am not striving to live a extravagant life, so it stands to reason that I shouldn't have to kill myself to have a somewhat normal life.
A couple chapters of my life are sadly closing but others are starting to be written. I am inspired by the ideas I am working on and my friends who stand by me. The next few months will offer many possibilities and I'm happy to be where I am. There is comfort in having more control over future I am creating.
Current Music: David Bowie - I'm Deranged
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